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Les stars, c'est vous!

Through a telescope - part 1

Through a telescope - part 2

Through a telescope - part 3

Through a telescope - part 4

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Les stars, c'est vous!

Through a telescope - part 1
Through a telescope - part 2
Through a telescope - part 3
Through a telescope - part 4


Through a telescope - questions

1. Who is Renia?

2. Where is she at the moment?

3. Why is she in England?

4. What's her problem?

5. Why do the others think she is arrogant?

6. Is Renia really arrogant?

7. How is the telescope helpful for Renia?

8. How can Renia solve her problem?

9. Who is Robert?

10. What does Renia think of Robert?

11. Why does Robert blush?

12. What is Renia going to do the next day?

13. What should Renia do to become accepted by the other members of the volleyball team?

14. What could the members of the volleyball team do to help Renia?

15. Have you ever been in a similar situation?

16. What is typical of Swiss people?

17. What is typical of British people?

18. What can you learn from this text?

19. What can Renia see through the telescope?

20. What does the cup of tea say?

21. Why does Renia's teacher swear?

22. How must one behave in England?

23. Why does Renia's host brother look surprised?

24. Tell me more about Renia's dream.